

Art Cell Enhancement Program #003

Museums are the Disneyland for adults#

At a certain stage in life, people start to ponder questions like "What is the ultimate goal of this lifetime?" "What is the purpose of living?" "Where should we strive to go?"

Of course, it's to go to the pier and get some fries!


Going to work this week has been boring, and I've been looking forward to going to the museum once school starts. I wanted to go a few weeks ago, but I didn't expect so many people with their children to come to the museum during summer vacation. The queue was already several hundred meters long. I'm not the type of person who likes to wait in line, so I finally came to the museum once school started (the arrogance and freedom of being an adult). I've always felt that museums are the Disneyland for adults, and adults are so happy in museums.

I took a few interesting pictures on the way.

20230902_120708 is a bar, but I'm too much of a chicken to go to a bar (too scared).

Before going to the museum, I spent a long time by the river, and I saw a father and daughter. Their parent-child relationship was enviable, so I couldn't help but take a picture.

The Wonderful Journey of Museums#

Before entering the museum, my Xiaomi bracelet recorded that the duration of medium to high intensity was about 10 minutes, but the total duration was 136 minutes when I got home. Can't this intensity be compared to Disneyland?

To be honest, when I was young, I visited the National Museum and the Palace Museum, and afterwards, I had a feeling that other museums just had "worthless stuff" on display.

20230902_123810Zun Du Jia Du (actually, I don't know what this means, just made it up)

20230902_124759Very cute cultural relic, looks like a civil servant with a lead seal?

20230902_124823A smiling big cat!

20230902_125211A delicate and intricate gold seal, but I noticed that other seals were much smaller. Maybe seals in ancient times were generally smaller, so they wouldn't get lost when they were so small.

20230902_125655The Treasure of the Museum! It is displayed on a separate wall, showing its importance. It is called "Western Han · Double-sided Carved Dragon and Phoenix Jade Ring," and just from the name, you can tell it's extraordinary. According to the official description, it is "double-sided carved, with twisting and turning variant flying dragons, decorated with flowing cloud and phoenix patterns, giving a sense of dynamic movement."

imageWestern Han frying pan (it's actually a bronze lamp)

imageDoes it look like a dog that resembles a pig or a pig that resembles a dog? I can't remember XD.

20230902_130534The clown is actually me!

20230902_130609I don't know what this is?

Dream of the Red Chamber Special Exhibition#

There are actually many pictures, from the first chapter to the last chapter. But I only looked at the beginning because I only read the first few dozen chapters of the book.
20230902_132014 "I've seen this sister before!"

I only looked at the first few pictures, then skipped to the end of the exhibition hall to see the ending. It's a tragic plot, and there was a girl listening to the explanation in the last few chapters, quietly shedding tears.

20230902_132342 From now on, I'll use a ruler when drawing. This is a classical painting technique called "neat and realistic"!

Another special exhibition, I forgot the name#

20230902_134307 A cultural and creative store should make a similar one. This thing is quite artistic, and it's great for holding rings and necklaces. It's not just about art.

20230902_134549 How about some fries?

Going home!#

20230902_135419 The reason why I know the name of the treasure so clearly is because I brought it home! I bought two bookmarks to take home! They look so good.

20230902_142314 Autumn is getting stronger, and I really like autumn.

20230902_145127 "Paradise in a Cave"!

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