

2023#51 | It's the Winter Solstice~

I had a stiff neck on Friday, but I still worked all day despite the pain. It's really the fate of working. On Saturday, the pain got worse. I woke up in pain in the morning and took ibuprofen to gradually relieve the pain until the evening.

There are two painkillers for adults: ibuprofen and alcohol.

The crooked-neck warrior not only defeated the Thunder Dragon with a crooked neck, but also wrote the weekly journal with a crooked neck. Truly, I am the crooked-neck warrior!

Writing 23#

In an article on Minimalist, I saw this sentence:

"When you have a consistent writing process, you will benefit from it for a lifetime."

When I first started writing the weekly journal, it was fine. I had a strong desire to express myself and I would babble on DooDoo every day. I just needed to organize the journal a bit and it could be published (even if there wasn't anything interesting to write about). Since a certain period of time, I haven't felt like posting anything on DooDoo, and the weekly journal has become more difficult. Recently, if I have something to express during the week, I write it down and post it on Sunday. But not every week do I have emotions to express.

When I first started posting on DooDoo, I would always check for grammatical errors, concise wording, and any contradictions before posting. So even if the integrated weekly journal was just a ramble, it was still readable. However, since the "low expression period" mentioned earlier, I haven't been focused on my writing. Although I try to continue writing the weekly journal, I feel overwhelmed every time I write.

Now looking back, the main problem should be not knowing what to write when I'm writing. Writing is like drawing, you need to think about how to start when facing a blank page. All writing should be based on having something to write in your mind, but many times I just type without thinking.

I used to use Flomo to record, but it was too troublesome to start every time, and often the inspiration would pass by in an instant. By the time I opened the interface, I might have forgotten what I wanted to record. After a few times, I didn't like using it anymore, I just occasionally used it as a bookmark to save some links.

On Monday, I got a notebook and a pen, thinking that I could record my thoughts anytime. I gave up after two days because I don't like writing (my handwriting is ugly), and I didn't want to carry it with me when I went out. When I really wanted to write, I had to find it and a pen, which was similar to the problem with Flomo.

On Wednesday, I downloaded a local diary app and wrote some random things on it. This is equivalent to breaking down the weekly journal into a diary, which undoubtedly adds difficulty for myself. Since I didn't want to write the weekly journal in the first place, I ended up with a diary.

Who writes a diary seriously.jpg

This may not help me capture the fleeting inspiration. Inspiration is always a momentary thing, and many times when I try to grasp it, it is dispersed by external forces. I will try using the diary method this week to see if I can remember more inspiration and give it a try for a while.

A Grain of Sand in the Era#

Some time ago, Zhang Xuefeng said "Liberal arts are all service industry" and it became a hot topic. There was a general tendency on Weibo to look down on liberal arts. In terms of employment, it is true that liberal arts graduates have a difficult time finding jobs. When I graduated, there were many liberal arts students who switched to other fields, and they felt the sadness of being a liberal arts graduate compared to working in a factory.

After I started working, I also heard a lot of such voices. People around me generally have the idea that "only those who can't get into science majors will study liberal arts", and every year during the college entrance examination, everyone just looks at the essay topics for fun, because anyone can write an essay. In the past few years, there was even "De De De Police" on the Internet, but it has been less popular in recent years. But the reality is that many people do not have the ability to write, and some people's writing is better off not writing.

So if we set aside employment and talk about it, I can't write as well as liberal arts students, and I regret my lack of knowledge. Of course, I am not a liberal arts student, and I don't know what exactly liberal arts students study. This may also be my bias: good writing gives me the impression that "he must be a liberal arts student".

Of course, the mainstream writing style has also been developing towards rationality and logic. The literary style of piling up flowery language is no longer mainstream. When we took the college entrance examination, we mainly practiced argumentative essays, with arguments and evidence, but our teachers said that the examiners liked to see "gorgeous rhetoric". I have never been good at writing this kind of thing, so I have always lacked interest in writing.

I remember my high school deskmate liked Mayday and liked their way of speaking. My deskmate's essay scores were better than mine. Even though he often wrote commas as pauses and his sentences were often unclear. Some time ago, Ah Xin wrote a short essay to clarify that he did not lip-sync, and I read it. I really feel that this kind of writing may not have much market now. If I were to evaluate it, I would say that it's not clear at all. I quite like Mayday's songs (only referring to their lyrics here), but I really can't appreciate their writing now.

Ah Xin's response

And another singer from my childhood, "obscure singer" Sun Yanzi, responded to the accusation of "AI Sun Yanzi" with such high-quality writing. It should be used as a teaching case, with literary qualities and thoughtful responses, exuding a classical beauty.

Sun Yanzi's response

Eating Noodles in the Dark on Winter Solstice#

"Eating noodles in the dark" is a meme in the A-share market. It was originally used to describe the mentality of retail investors after a sharp drop. On Friday, I saw many people using this meme, so I searched it up.

Previously, Chongqing Beer announced the research on hepatitis B vaccine, but the vaccine, which cost a huge amount of money and took thirteen years to develop, was clinically evaluated to have no significant therapeutic effect. This caused Chongqing Beer's stock price to plummet, and it experienced nine consecutive "limit down" trading halts, dropping from 80 yuan to 20 yuan, instantly evaporating over 20 billion yuan. On December 15, 2011, the sixth limit down, a post titled "Eating and Crying" was posted on the Chongqing Beer forum on the Oriental Fortune website. The post had only a short sentence: "Today, I came home and cooked some noodles, eating and crying, tears falling into the bowl, without turning on the light." The post was quickly shared and resonated with the public, giving rise to the term "eating noodles in the dark," which is often widely used to describe market crashes or the trapped mentality of small shareholders.

On Friday, the News Bureau issued a "Draft of the Network Game Management Measures" during the A-share rebound market, soliciting public opinions on online games. The draft proposes the following regulations:

  • Online games must not have "inducement rewards" such as daily logins, first-time top-ups, and consecutive top-ups;
  • Publishing and operating units of online games must not provide or condone high-priced virtual item trading through speculation or auctions;
  • All online games must set user top-up limits and publicly display them in their service rules. For users' irrational consumption behavior, pop-up warnings should be provided.

Game sector falls in response

Actually, looking at these regulations, as a player, I feel that they are all good things, and this is just a draft with no real effect. However, the market reacted strongly because, after all, the "Double Reduction" policy directly "beheaded" the education and training industry, and this kind of document greatly affects investor confidence.

In a prosperous market environment, investor confidence is relatively sufficient, and there is a certain expectation and tolerance for policy fluctuations. If you don't do it, someone else will. In a less prosperous market, a stable and open policy support is needed to stabilize investor confidence. I have seen a metaphor: "There are ten birds on a tree. One has already been shot and killed, and then they point to another bird to scare it. How many birds are left on the tree?"

To be honest, financial policies are really trying their best to benefit the market. I have seen many policies, and the News Bureau issued a document in the middle of the day. If I were in the financial department, I would be angry in the middle of the night. But the people at the News Bureau didn't expect that they usually target the gaming industry, which is just scolded by a bunch of stinky gamers. But today, they issued a policy to appease the players, and the gamers didn't laugh, but the stock market investors cried first.

Between dumplings and tangyuan, the "elders" let everyone eat noodles. As for me, I bought Nasdaq. So many things have happened throughout history, and they are all just jokes. But as an individual, I dare not use leverage to buy a house. Who believes that there is only one "Erxiangbo", the next card might throw myself into my own industry. In this big environment, I really dare not do much, it's already great to be alive.

Flying Over Room 13#

I have already defeated the Thunder Dragon in Rise, and as long as I reach level 50 by hunting every day, I can fight the ultimate boss and clear the game. So I started looking at other games.

Coincidentally, because of the aforementioned document's impact on the gaming industry, which has been carrying the blame all the way to its current scale, there are still many people who view games as a cancer. When everyone was discussing whether games are a cancer or not, they more or less mentioned "Lightning King Yang Yongxin".

In 2006, Yang Yongxin established the "Linyi Fourth People's Hospital Internet Addiction Treatment Center". In the same year, journalist Liu Mingyin began writing and published a 250,000-word long article called "War on Internet Addiction". In 2008, a 5-episode TV special called "War on Internet Addiction" and a 7-episode TV special called "War on Internet Addiction" were filmed and broadcasted on CCTV's prime time program. Many other TV stations followed suit and launched corresponding programs to express their praise for the program. For a while, Yang Yongxin became the savior of countless parents.

But because the program disregarded the facts for the sake of entertainment, it smeared many games and sparked discussions among many gamers. In 2009, many print media gradually joined in the investigation, visiting the treated patients, and questioning voices began to emerge. The questioning voices did not have much impact on Professor Yang's business. In February 2009, Professor Yang became an expert enjoying special allowances from the State Council.

Lightning King

In May of the same year, the "China Youth Daily" reported on the ecosystem of this Internet addiction treatment center. In July, electroconvulsive therapy was banned by the Ministry of Health, and Professor Yang switched to low-frequency pulse therapy. From then on until 2017, when the Yuzhang Academy incident fermented on the Internet, his Internet addiction treatment center was finally shut down.

In 2011, Yuzhang Academy started enrolling students, and in 2016, a netizen on Weibo shared his cruel treatment experience at the Internet addiction treatment center. In 2017, it was exposed that there were incidents in similar schools across the country between 2007 and 2017. Students were beaten and punished to death...

In 2020, Wu Junbao and others from Yuzhang Academy were sentenced to two years in prison for illegal detention. Professor Yang himself did not receive any criminal punishment or prosecution.

"Flying Over Room 13" is an interactive video game based on this story. The actors' performances are quite good, and playing this game is like watching a TV series. The gameplay is also somewhat present, making it a lightweight game. Plus, the subject matter is very realistic. It is said that many people wrote letters to the developers to provide details.

Let's talk about the game first. The final chapter is called "Final Fantasy". It is easy to reach this ending by following the main storyline. The reason why it is called "Final Fantasy" is because this ending has never been achieved in real life. Many of the hidden endings that are difficult to achieve in the game are actually the most common endings in real life. Thinking about this makes me sigh. In the face of a huge machine, individuals feel powerless. The ending where the journalist asks questions actually represents many children who have said things they dare not say. It's a pity that only children can see this part, and this is also the "Final Fantasy". I can only say that the parent-child relationship in China is too difficult.

The development team put in a lot of effort, and you can see that they have done a lot of work. The plot and acting are good, but the DLC part has fewer performances and the plot feels rushed. The scene layout doesn't feel very realistic, but they have already tried their best.

The ignorance of parents prevents them from reflecting, and they only regret it when the tragedy happens, but it is too late to regret. And the ignorance of parents is the breeding ground for the survival of the abusive internet addiction treatment methods. - Xinhua News Agency

Hema Flower Arrangement Artist#

Looking at flowers in Hema, wanting to play with floral art, wanting to be a great artist. So here it is:


Call me the great floral artist.

Kudi X Spy Pretend Play#

Although Kudi doesn't taste good, I still have to get this collaboration.


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