

2023#50 | Add more clothes when it's cold.

There may not be much to write about this week, mainly because the clients at work have become more annoying, affecting my rest. It has also cooled down, but I haven't had hot pot yet.

Choosing Wedding Rings#

The biggest thing this week was choosing wedding rings. However, I don't want to go into detail about personal privacy on the internet, but in short, we chose rings that both parties liked.

Popuko and Pipimi's Wonderful Kitchen#

Wonderful Kitchen #1

Wonderful Kitchen #2

Wonderful Kitchen #3

Monster Hunter Rise#

I was betrayed. I have been playing this game for so long and thought I had never been betrayed, at least I achieved "early purchase, early enjoyment." However, Capcom betrayed me by significantly reducing the price shortly after I bought it. I lost a glimmer of hope, so sorry Capcom, I won't buy the glimmer of hope.

I played rehabilitation for a while this week and switched from the longsword to the hunting horn. I have never seen such a simple weapon! I can't understand if the default equipment, the longsword, is serious (although it looks cool), but I have understood the playstyle of the longsword (which is to quickly reach the red blade for high damage output). However, it is not as brainless as the hunting horn. The hunting horn only has three notes, blow it and you're done. It can heal itself and carry dozens of potions, so it's completely easy.

Currently, relying on the brainless hunting horn, I have reached the five-star rank (I'm not far from clearing the game, right?). This game is not difficult at all, it's not as mysterious as people say online. Now I'm craving the warm gameplay of "MHW." Rise's warm gameplay feels average. If it weren't for Capcom's betrayal, I might have bought "World" during the Christmas sale.

To be honest, the cuisine in the blue star is all about eating and drinking, but in the flame village, they only let me eat meatballs. Double betrayal.

Photos taken when going out on the weekend#

Maple Leaves

Miscellaneous Thoughts#

  • The blogs I usually peek at have started writing "annual reports" one after another. I'm also considering whether I should write an "annual report," but I currently have no idea. I'll postpone the year-end summary for now.
  • My recent life philosophy is "living is a waste of life" and "living can be a waste, but it must be a happy waste."
  • I really want to watch "Little Women," but I get sleepy after reading a few pages.
  • The strawberries at the fruit store downstairs have been delicious lately.
  • When I was tidying up my room, I listened to the radio drama "News Queen" and some people said it had a disappointing ending, but I think it's still okay. Of course, some character developments were unbearable to watch.
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