

2023#38 | A week of low mood

title: 2023#38 | A Week of Low Mood
description: Feeling unhappy
date: 2023-09-24

  • Life Diary
  • Life Diary

This week's work has been very stressful, and I feel very insecure. I always feel like the company is going to close down and I will have to look for a job in the market again. And I don't want to go to work anymore.


I spent most of my free time this week learning Flutter, and the progress so far is quite satisfying. But due to work reasons, my learning efficiency is only 20%.

The quality of my sleep this week has been extremely poor, and I only went for a run one morning.

Got a New Domain Name 🎉🎉#

I checked and found that I have already written 15 weekly diaries since I created my blog with Hugo. I have always been shy about sharing my weekly diaries, even though I have set up my blog and integrated my thoughts every week. But I feel embarrassed to share them.

Recently, after finishing writing my weekly diary, I directly copied and pasted the entire article into Xlog as a backup. Unexpectedly, someone said that my weekly diary is interesting. I have always thought that I am a boring person. Could it be that I am really interesting? Do I possess the legendary interesting soul? How could this good thing happen to me? It shouldn't be.

Actually, when I think about it, I just casually integrate my thoughts from the week into the diary. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"Selected Thoughts from BBQ This Week"

Finally, I decided to buy a domain name and officially launch it. So I bought the cheapest domain name. I feel that it is not necessary to buy an expensive one because the content of my blog does not match a high-end domain name.

Cheers~ Applause~ 🎉🎉

Although it is not the first time I have bought a domain name, it took me a long time to successfully configure the domain name resolution. I guess I accidentally made it work. Following the principle of not touching it if it works, I didn't care about whether the operation process was correct or not for now.

Although it is running, I have not enabled HTTPS. I saw that "GitHub officially uses HTTPS with CDN, which can make the website load faster and provide additional protection against DDoS attacks."

As a person who likes to tinker around, I must do it.

Referring to this article, what I actually did was to create a CNAME file in the root directory and then enable "Force HTTPS" in the settings.

I just feel that my blog is ugly, and I am too lazy to beautify it (mainly because I have no aesthetic sense, the more I tinker, the uglier it gets), so I can only try to add some functional things to it. Currently, I am planning to write a "Book, Movie, and Game Guide" in the "Lab" section. I looked at GitHub and found that many people have written Pokémon guides. I don't want to start another project, so I will develop it using Flutter (I don't know when it will be launched), and I will refer to the Pokémon guide.

Culinary Heritage 🍽#

A beautiful lady came to play with me for three days and finished almost half a bottle of my gold liquor.

She said it was the first time she drank gold liquor, and after drinking it, she felt like her emotions were liberated. The last time she laughed so happily was when she was in elementary school. Unlocking the talent of being tipsy, she even felt that it was not enough and drank it straight:ikeasama047:

When I introduced her to my free-style cooking techniques, she said it was fun and wanted to try it too.

Before leaving, she left me three culinary legacies (enough for me to eat for three meals).

Feast of Chili
Culinary Legacy

It can be said that I exchanged three bowls of culinary legacies for gold liquor.

The weather is getting cooler, and gold liquor doesn't seem suitable for cold weather, so I won't repurchase it for now. I will try whiskey next time.

Raccoon Hard Probe 🎮#

I played this game, initially attracted by its art style. Previously, "Echoes of Destiny" gave me a good gaming experience, which made me more willing to try pixel games.
Nice Art Style

The initial experience was quite good. The art style, lighting, and shadows in the early stages were well done, and the gameplay was somewhat unique. The music was sometimes present and sometimes absent, but it was still pleasant to listen to. There was no voice acting, but as the plot progressed, it gradually deviated from reality (probably aiming for a disco-like plot), and suddenly entered a surreal state, which was quite inexplicable. The more I played, the more impatient I became, and in the end, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I gave up.

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BBQ's subjective rating: 4/10 Not worth playing
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BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!#

I hadn't heard of this series before. At first, I saw that it was quite popular, but when I searched for "BanG Dream!" on Douban, it only had a rating of 7.3, so I didn't feel like watching it. It wasn't until it ended that I realized everyone called it "MyGO" and it had a rating of 9.1 when I searched with that keyword. So I decided to give it a try.

But I watched it while doing Flutter, so I only had a general idea of the plot. I didn't feel much about most of the music performances, but I grabbed my attention in the last episode with the performance of the new band. However, why does it seem like the new band is the same as the group that initially said they wouldn't form a band? I quite like the makeup and stage design of this band though.

As for the plot, it doesn't seem to focus on how the girls persist in forming a band, but rather spends a lot of time on their emotional entanglements, giving a sense of youth and pain. But I think this is a very interesting attempt. After watching anime for so many years, most works have a similar pattern: "Problem arises -> Problem solved -> Performance". This series tried a new pattern of "Problem arises -> Performance -> Problem solved". This new pattern feels more realistic because in real life, pushing forward with a project always has a higher priority than resolving internal conflicts 😂. I sincerely recommend scriptwriters to learn how to write "conflicts".

Another impressive aspect is the relationships between people. Many scripts have rigid relationships between people, but in this series, the relationships are not fixed. Even in friendly relationships, there is suspicion and conflict, and in less friendly relationships, there are bonds and commonalities.

I actually quite like the core concept of this series, "Moving forward in confusion". Perhaps the occasional appearance of ambiguity and instability in the script is the collision of their confusion. Compared to conventional plays, this kind of collision is more worth watching.

{{< notice notice-tip >}}
BBQ's subjective rating: 9/10 Very good
The plot can be said to be well-crafted, and I don't understand the music, so I won't comment on it. But I quite like the music of the new band in the last episode. The animation used a lot of 3D modeling to save costs? Most of the time, I was watching Flutter, so it didn't affect my viewing experience.
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John Wilson's How To with John Wilson Season 1#

I watched 5 out of 6 episodes. It's a very interesting show. After watching the first episode, I wanted to recommend it to everyone!

Wise Eyes

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BBQ's subjective rating: 9.9/10 BBQ highly recommends it!
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Amaama to Inazuma (Sweetness & Lightning)#

A morning drama. I watched about ten episodes and got a general idea of what a morning drama is about. The plot is not very interesting, just telling the story of the female protagonist going to the countryside to become a "sea girl". It's not that this series is bad, it's just that there is not much motivation to continue watching. Even if each episode is only 15 minutes long, there are more than 150 episodes in total, and the plot doesn't have much progress.

{{< notice notice-tip >}}
BBQ's subjective rating: 6/10 Tasteless, but a pity to give up
{{< /notice >}}

Flutter Day 3 & Day 5#

Day 3#

Because I want to write the "Lab" section and regain my motivation to learn Flutter.

I learned that widgets have two states. Since Flutter can be said to be "everything is a widget," writing multiple Dart files to control different widgets is helpful for programming.

In the tutorial, the "StatelessWidget" was directly refactored into a "StatefulWidget" using a shortcut key. I copied it for a while but couldn't find the shortcut key, so I manually copied it to make it work. Well, how am I supposed to develop like this in the future?

It's troublesome to write the interface. For example, to center the text, it's not enough to just write textAlign: This is because the text only allocates the length it should have by default. In this case, I need to wrap it with a Container, which is similar to the box model in frontend development. I always feel that different programming languages are quite similar macroscopically, with only slight differences in details. The official documentation is well-written, but I can't get into it. If it were a few years ago, maybe I could still understand it. I didn't understand the callback at all, it was so confusing and made my head spin.

But after experimenting for a while, I managed to write and modify an electronic wooden fish. Hahaha.

Day 5#

Following the instructions, I finally implemented a To-Do List app. I also learned how to deploy it, which was fun.

But currently, there is a bug. I couldn't check if the TextField is empty. The solution I thought of is to store a variable outside and set the value of onPressed to null if it is empty. However, I realized that if there are 10 buttons, I would need to store 10 states, which seems a bit silly.

Random Literature#

I checked my thoughts on the timeline and found that this week I mostly spread a low mood. However, a popular post about random literature struck a chord with many elephant friends.

In ancient times, there was Zengzi who reflected on himself three times, and there was also Gibran who despised his soul seven times. But when it comes to going crazy, it seems that it's me, BBQ, who resonates with the hearts of many elephant friends.


This week, either I was walking around to relieve anxiety or I was learning Flutter, so I didn't have many input opinions.

  1. While surfing, I came across a website called Flutter Pub where you can discover interesting and fun packages. It seems really good. Unfortunately, I can't use it at the moment, so I can only drool over it. For example, this package seems very interesting.
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