

2023#27 | Ordinary and Confused

This week has been ordinary and confusing, and nothing special has happened.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes#

When I was researching how to use alist, I looked through some resources and chose to watch The Legend of the Condor Heroes.
Countless words summed up in one sentence, Zhu Yin is beautiful and has good acting skills.

Daily Cold Jokes on Weibo
Daily Cold Jokes on Weibo

But looking back now, Huang Rong's character is actually different from what I remembered. Guo Jing is an ordinary person with mediocre talent. It was only after meeting Huang Rong that he rose to fame. To put it bluntly, Huang Rong is a third party, the kind of person who doesn't care if you're married or not, she just wants to be with you. She has looks, money, intelligence, connections, and can take you to new heights. A girl like this who is devoted to you, it's no wonder why so many middle-aged and elderly men like Guo Jing (actually, they might like Huang Rong).

But I don't like Guo Jing at all. He broke his engagement and cheated on Hua Zheng and Tie Muzhen. The true hero fights for the country and the people. He took the Wumu's book of martial arts to Temujin to train his troops, and then fought to the death against the Mongolian army in the next part. There's nothing more to say.

If I have to say, I prefer Yang Guo, but I'm too lazy to catch up.

Speaking of which, most people may not have noticed one thing. Yin Zhiping made his first appearance in The Legend of the Condor Heroes. He is about the same age as Guo Jing, and in fact, he is one year older than Yang Kang. In The Return of the Condor Heroes, he should be considered an uncle or an elder, but in the TV series, he is a young man about the same age as Yang Guo.

The Game of End#

I saw someone mention The Game of End, and a few days ago, my classmate recommended it to me. I watched the movie and read the novel.

I really don't understand what's good about it, but I dare not say it. I always feel that it's because my cultural accomplishment is not high enough.
Sigh, just thinking about it, it's not good-looking, it's just not good-looking.

Night Poem#

I didn't eat dinner because my stomach wasn't feeling well.

Now I still don't feel well, but I'm not hungry either. I don't really feel like eating anything, but my body is protesting that it won't sleep if it doesn't eat.

I looked at the takeout options, but my brain can't process whether it's expensive or not.

I really think that people who are sensitive to prices are the ones who make money. I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to consider the price and is just a sucker.

I got up and rummaged through the refrigerator for a while. It seems like I've eaten all the food in the past few days. I don't even have any eggs left to make instant noodles.

Feeling melancholy. As the saying goes:

"The mirror in my belly is empty, and I can't sleep in the deep night. Thoughts are vast like the sea, where is the food?"

Such a good poem.

Flutter Day 1+Day 2#

I want to start learning programming and be able to write my own app as soon as possible. I've been thinking about this for a long time. There are many mature technologies these years, but considering that I want to develop for both desktop and mobile, it has to be cross-platform.

Before starting, I need to choose which development tool to use. For non-programmers like me, this can be subjective.

If it's about front-end development, the first choice might be Electron. I looked into it and it seems to use browser rendering to display web pages. It's a lazy but painful choice. Plus, I don't remember how to use JavaScript, so there's no need to consider this. Then there's Uniapp, which seems to be quite popular in China. The problem is the same, and it seems to be even more challenging for app development than Electron.

So Flutter seems to be the only choice.

The first impression is that setting up the environment is so troublesome. It took me almost two to three hours to get into the development interface. I tried a few times, and hot reload is quite fast, so the performance should be good? But the code looks confusing, and I haven't understood it yet.

Time flew by, and I had a headache. I set up the environment and ran a demo to see when I can write the app I have in mind.

I want to add that I don't recommend watching the official YouTube tutorials. They talk a lot without saying anything useful.

This is much more complicated than WinForms. In WinForms, you can start developing by simply dragging controls. But I have also discovered that layouts that rely on dragging are very unstable. If you slightly adjust the size or resolution, the position information changes. It's not like WPF where the front-end and back-end are completely separated. Flutter's layout information and logic are written in Dart.

I briefly looked at Dart, and it doesn't seem to be much different from other languages (it feels like Python?).

It's really fun to be able to run the same code on all platforms. I think I don't even need to use an Android emulator for debugging. Just debugging in Chrome should be good enough.

Keyboard Politics#

Scrolling through Douyin, I saw the files about "double reduction" again. Although they have been released every year for the past few years, the emotions in the comments are different each year. I have been following them, so I find it quite interesting.

When this policy was first introduced, everyone (except for the teachers in training institutions) applauded it. Of course, there were also people who praised it while saying that it would be difficult for rich people to go for one-on-one tutoring.

After a few years of "double reduction" (I don't remember exactly how long), the new policy proposes to increase the punishment. The comments section is filled with criticism of this policy. Because in the end, even if you don't have much money, you can still afford to go to a tutoring institution. Now, one-on-one tutoring is back, and the price is not as cheap as in tutoring institutions.

On one hand, schools are reducing the burden and promoting happy education, while on the other hand, other people's children are receiving one-on-one tutoring. Either you spend more money on one-on-one tutoring, or you become a person with low education in the future.

I'm not a teacher in a training institution, nor am I a parent or a teacher. But just looking at this policy and the public's reaction is very interesting. First, most people don't understand what impact the policy will have, and second, whoever has children should be prepared to suffer.

But actually, if you think about it, after 30 years of declining birth rates, the labor cost in the service industry will inevitably rise, and people with low education levels may have better incomes.

Who knows.

Echo of Destiny's Echo#

I didn't expect the game Echo of Destiny to earn me a month's worth of mooncakes from a supermarket.

Here's what happened: I went to the supermarket to buy food, and they had a promotion where if you made a purchase, you could play rock-paper-scissors at the front desk. If you won, you would get a mooncake; if you lost or tied, you wouldn't get anything.

While the cashier was explaining the rules to me, my brain immediately went back to the scene in Echo of Destiny where Wei Dad played rock-paper-scissors at the amusement park and someone told him, "Statistically, people usually start with scissors, so you should play rock. The King of Rock-Paper-Scissors obviously discovered this."

I burst out laughing, and I laughed all the way back, hahaha.

Free and Easy Echo#

I finally solved the dilemma I had when I was studying.

It should have been in high school when I read "Free and Easy" by Zhuangzi. At that time, it was about learning to be like the Peng bird soaring ninety thousand miles high, and something about how if the accumulation of water is not deep, it cannot support a large boat. (I remember these lines because they were the ones tested)

I never understood it. How is this free and easy? Why is it called "Free and Easy"? (Thinking back, it might be that you have to become a Kunpeng to be able to roam freely in the world). I even felt that it was spreading anxiety. Plus, I've always liked the "Tao Te Ching," so I never understood how Zhuangzi's philosophy became Taoist philosophy.

Until today, when I was slacking off and clicked on "Free and Easy," I read a few more lines.

"Now, if you have a big tree and worry that it's useless, why not plant it in a place where there is nothing, in a vast wilderness? Wander around it without doing anything, sleep and rest under it. It won't be cut down by axes, and there is nothing to harm it. It has no use, so naturally it won't be troubled!"

This is the philosophy of Taoism! Forget about soaring ninety thousand miles high, it's about planting a tree in a place where no one is and freely wandering around it in a vast wilderness, or sleeping under it without worrying about being harmed by axes or anything else. It has no use, so there won't be any troubles!

This is what Taoism is about! To hell with soaring ninety thousand miles high and using a castrated article to flirt.

Photography & Filmmaking#

Eternal Twilight
The Owner of the Shop Who Likes Strawberry Bears

There are other pictures, but I'll export them and organize them later.


  1. What stage are house prices at now? This article is actually quite reasonable, but I don't know if it's fair or not.
  2. Better thinking tools, I came across this by chance, and I think I should summarize the content one day.
  3. FF14 daily card implemented with short code. This can be used to copy and modify some things I like. It's worth learning the approach. But I'm still too lazy to modify the code.
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