

2023 Year in Review X 2024 Year Outlook

Bloggers I secretly follow have started writing their year-end reports. To be honest, I was quite confused and didn't know where to start. Later, while browsing on DooDoo, I came across a template and decided to give it a try.

Review of 2023 and Outlook for 2024#


1. Who are you? What mindset did you have when filling out this questionnaire?#

I am Kao Rou Rou. I wrote this year-end report out of curiosity. Time is linear and years are artificially defined. Writing a year-end summary is a formalistic thing to do, although it is necessary to reflect on things every once in a while.

2. Did you have any favorite songs or artists in 2023?#

I listened to a lot of songs by Chen Qi Zhen while running this year, but my favorite song is still "One Last Kiss" by Xiong Guang.

QQ Music's Year-End Report

3. Did you have any favorite movies in 2023?#

I enjoyed watching "The Journey of Ling Ya" and "Thirty Thousand Miles to Chang'an" in theaters. The most impactful movie for me was "Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time." Surprisingly, I also enjoyed the TV series "Tiger and Dragon," which is about rakugo storytelling. The first episode may seem plain, but the more you watch, the more it resonates. The most disappointing movie for me was "Mario's Big Movie." Although the visuals were great, the plot was lacking. I finished watching "The Coach" and quite liked it. I watched "Gangs of London" because I was playing "Assassin's Creed Syndicate," and it was so cool, but the plot was average.

4. Did you have any favorite books in 2023?#

I didn't read many books this year, only about 15. The highlight was "Prince Ma's 'Annoying Venus.'" Although the second half felt rushed, it was a flavorful book. Another book I enjoyed was "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. I had watched the movie before but hadn't read the novel, and I found it quite entertaining and sarcastic. There was also a healing novel called "The Camellia Stationery Store," which had a touch of Kyoto purple and delicate writing. The other books are not worth mentioning.

5. Did your interests, food preferences, or other preferences change in 2023? If so, what changed?#

I cooked a lot this year because 99% of takeout meals were pre-packaged and expensive. It forced me to start learning how to cook. Especially with the introduction of an air fryer, lazy people like me can easily have a meal ready in 10 minutes, which is better than anything else.

Review of 2023#

6. Are you satisfied with your academic/work performance in 2023?#

I wonder who would be satisfied this year. I had a pay cut at the beginning of the year, and my work became more and more challenging. It's tiring to even think about it, so I'd rather not dwell on it.

7. Are you satisfied with your love life in 2023?#

It's alright. I'm planning to get married next year.

8. Are you satisfied with your physical condition in 2023?#

One notable thing this year was that I woke up early on my birthday and went for a run. After running 400 meters, everything went black in front of my eyes. It made me realize that my physical condition was not optimistic, so I started the "Kao Rou Rou Plan." I bought a Xiaomi fitness tracker, and at first, I could reach the 30-minute high-intensity goal just by brisk walking. Gradually, I had to jog to achieve it. The first month was the most challenging, as my weight didn't budge, but it started to decrease in the second month. I felt great and energetic!

However, when the weather turned cold, I had a headache when running outside, so I stopped. Although I stopped exercising, my weight didn't rebound. The exercise weight loss method is indeed scientific.

9. Who are the people you are grateful for or have met in 2023?#

I used to think I had no social life, but then I started playing Mastodon this year and met many interesting friends. Among them was a blogger I secretly followed, and I loved reading her random thoughts. It was a pleasant surprise! Later, I started writing weekly journals and backed up my blog on Xlog, where I also met some new friends. These were all new experiences for me.

10. What are the memorable events of 2023?#

I can't think of any particularly memorable days. Does being kicked out of the house by my dad during the Chinese New Year count? This was the third time this year, and I spent two nights on the street because I didn't know where to go. But now, I'm no longer the kid who had nowhere to go when kicked out. I have a place to stay in another city. Being from a single-parent family is tough, sigh.

11. What are your regrets in 2023?#

I'm not a fan of regrets because the results are a result of my own choices. If I had to mention one regret, it would be trusting the national economy too much at the beginning of the year. I sold my NASDAQ stocks and bought A-shares, but I haven't made any profit in a year, while the NASDAQ has risen by about 80 points. Now I've sold the stocks that would have made me break even and bought NASDAQ stocks instead. However, I didn't invest much money, so it's just for fun, and I can't say I regret it too much.

12. Did you make any wishes or plans for the new year at the beginning of 2023? If so, what were they?#

I wanted to move and change my phone. But suddenly, there were many unexpected expenses, so I've been using this old phone.

13. Did you achieve any of the plans you made for 2023?#

I didn't achieve any goals. I just went through the year aimlessly. The only achievements were that I've been writing weekly journals since June, which is something I've never done before, and I started the "Kao Rou Rou Plan" in June. Not only did I lose 10 kilograms, but I also improved my physical fitness.

14. What goals do you want to achieve in 2024?#

Move, change my phone, and if possible, change jobs. But I'm hesitant because of the current job market, even though I'm really tired of my current job. As for whether my abilities have improved at work, the answer is no. My current job is just a mundane one that any college student can do.

15. What goals did you not achieve, no longer want to achieve, or give up halfway in 2023? Why?#

Exercise? Well, I can't say I didn't achieve it because I just paused due to the cold weather. I'm also considering restarting now that the weather is getting warmer. Another thing was that I had been planning to quit my job in October and visit Nanjing, but I didn't quit, and my workload increased instead.

16. Do you feel that your mindset has changed in 2023 (regarding anything)?#

I feel like my mindset is still transitioning. It hasn't settled yet, so it's difficult for me to express my current transformation in words. Perhaps one day, the fog in front of me will dissipate.

17. How do you think you performed in 2023?#

I feel like I wasted the year, just going through the motions. I didn't earn much money (or rather, I didn't earn any money at all), and there were many things that bothered me.

18. How would you describe 2023 in your life? What role did it play?#

Although this year was a waste, I feel like it will be an important year in my life. Previously, everything was blocked because of my dad, but after he kicked me out during the Chinese New Year, I refused to communicate with him. Life felt smoother without him. The sky was clear, and everything that was blocked started to flow freely. The things that were stuck because of him also progressed smoothly.

Outlook for 2024#

19. Are you looking forward to the new year? What role will 2024 play in your life?#

I will be getting married in 2024, so it will mark the beginning of a new stage. I often feel nervous and have second thoughts. Therefore, next year may also be a very important year in my life.

20. Do you have any important plans or schedules for your studies or work in 2024?#

Not at the moment. Due to the upcoming wedding, I don't want to make any changes to my job, even though I'm really tired of it. As for whether my abilities have improved at work, the answer is no. My current job is just a mundane one that any college student can do.

21. Do you have any special travel plans for 2024?#

After getting married, I might go on a trip, but I currently have no idea where to go. The places I want to visit don't seem to be easily accessible.

22. In terms of love, what are your expectations for the new year?#

After getting married, I hope that the relationship between my partner and me won't change.

23. What else do you want to achieve in 2024? Any wishes or goals?#

Move, change my phone, and continue running and exercising.

24. Please write down the books you plan to read, CDs you plan to buy, movies you plan to watch, and things you plan to buy in 2024 that were not mentioned above.#

It's hard to say about books since I read a variety of genres. I'll read whatever interests me. Recently, I borrowed a book by Yukio Mishima, the first book in the "Sea of Fertility" series. If I can get into it, I hope to finish the whole series next year.

As for movies, I'll watch whatever catches my interest. I don't know what good movies will be released next year.

As for planned purchases, I've mentioned them many times before: a new phone.

25. Please write down a question that you haven't asked yourself but would like to.#

Q: If you could start over in life, what is the probability that you would choose to start from this year?

A: I asked this question because I feel that if I could start over, I would probably choose to start from this year. I know the overall environment this year is not good, although in the past, the market was booming, I was still unhappy in my life and didn't benefit from the prosperity. This year, although the market conditions are not good, I have freed myself from the gloom that has always surrounded me and embarked on a new chapter. I don't want to go back to a time when I felt helpless.

26. Please say something to yourself on December 31, 2024.#

I hope you have something to say to yourself in 2025.

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